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Showing posts from September, 2017

The Power of Our Hands

Nancy Gianni, of GiGi's playhouse began her talk at the DSDN Mom retreat this past Saturday with a story of her oldest child. One night as a baby her husband brought in their little boy, this little inconsolable baby to her. He was still crying as she took and held him, but then as she laid her hand on his cheek he nestled in and calmed down. Nancy went on to explain the power of the hand; the power of a mother’s touch. Throughout her talk we saw evidence of the power of what our hands can do as we learned the how and why behind the creation of GiGis Playhouse .  Rachel Coleman of Signing Time was our keynote speaker on Friday night. She demonstrated the power of signing, when it came to her family and their story. Life has a way of taking us into uncharted territory but her hands have been an instrumental part of her family’s story. Not only were her hands a big part of opening the world up for her girls, but her hands have turned their story into the Signing Time episodes ...