I have been loving the tree of life pictures. If you haven't seen them they are typically pictures with the tree over the mother's breast and the child's face while nursing. I have seen some neat pictures with bottles as well. While these pictures are beautiful and I love seeing them, it is hard seeing them as it reminds me of missing out on this experience with Kaleb. Kaleb and I may not have gotten to ever get to this point of him nursing even though I had continued to hold out hope, but I wanted to make my own pictures. A look at what feeding looks like for us and the love and work that goes into each feed. The first is a picture from one of my last pumps on November 4th. I had made it 14 months and a few days of pumping. Even though I still had 5-6 months worth of breast milk in deep freezers it was a hard moment to look at my supply dwindling and knowing that I was about to end that chapter. The other picture is Kaleb getting breast milk, just in a different way th...