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Showing posts from 2019

My kid may not look quite like your kid...

My kid may not look quite like your kid... Where your kid has on baseball socks and cleats, my kid has on AFO braces and shoes wide enough to fit the braces. Where your kid is running around kicking dust up in the field or running the bases, my kid has his walk er. While your kid looks adorable with their cute helmet decal, my kid is getting double takes when people notice features that appear “different.” While your kid is waving and talking to you on the sidelines, my kid is turning to sign to me as I prepare to help him bat. Those are some of the ways our kids differ, but let me tell you how our kids are the same. Our kids both want to go out there, play, and have fun. Our kids both look to us as parents to make sure we are watching, that we are proud of them. So my kid might not be quite like your kid and that’s okay. So while you see my son not walking and you notice features that give clues to his diagnosis of Down syndrome, know that in many ways our kids are s...

Preemie Mom: Grief from pregnancy and delivery

I don’t have baby fever. Nope, not at all. Instead I’m the person tagging my husband on the story of the vasectomy celebration thrown by a wife for her husband. Complete with the snip snip hooray cake. However, when I see a big pregnant belly or hear of a mom talking about packing her hospital bag, the twinges come. This is when the twinges of grief and dare I say envy come in every now and then. I’m a preemie mom. As preemie mom I lost out on the last three months of pregnancy. I just got to the third trimester in time to have my pregnancy unexpectedly come to an end. Suddenly, gone was my time to spend with my oldest as I savored the last little bit of him as my only little boy, my baby. Gone was the time of planning and prepping the nursery. And yes, gone was the time of sleepless nights, crazy feeling hiccups, heart burn, and aches and pains. Basically the unpleasant but proud markers of pregnancy. I lost out on so much. I didn’t get to post to social media asking for everyon...

I love you more than a marshmallow

“Momma, I actually love you more than a marshmallow.” This was what Kaden said to me as he got into his pajamas and gave me a big hug last night. This expression pretty much sums up my night last night. A chaotic night over a marshmallow. However, once again God used Kaden to show me my own lessons that I also struggle with in my life and my relationship with Him. Kaden is a picky eater. Okay, that may be an understatement. In fact last month we told him that his four favorite meals were off limits. That he had to learn to try other foods and eat different things. He has done better but it’s still a constant battle. Tonight he wanted dessert after dinner. He wanted a jumbo marshmallow. (Isn’t that what everyone selects for dessert???) After the rest of us were finished he still hasn’t eaten that much and had entered the negotiation stage. The can I get it down from eating everything to a certain number of bites stage. After another long while of battling and it getting closer to time f...