Well it finally happened. The other day I had a first that I knew would eventually happen, it was just a matter of time. While leaving an appointment a gentlemen in the elevator with us looked over at Kaleb and I watched the recognition in his face which followed with, “Oh, bless you guys.” Even though I knew something like this would eventually happen I was left unsure of how to respond. Part of the gentleman’s statement might have been geared towards the oxygen and monitor with Kaleb. Which depending on the extent of his knowledge could have even been part of what he meant, knowing that those with Trisomy 21 are more prone to health issues and are evident with Kaleb’s extra accessories. Which in reality the oxygen and monitor have more to do with his very premature birth having been born at 28 weeks then with Down syndrome. We don’t always go into the full birth story, NICU stay, and medical file which are all a part of Kaleb’s story with every person we meet. I really do not be...