People sometimes joke about kids or spouses saying I guess I'll keep them, there is no returning them now or the return time has expired. What if they weren't true, what if we could go back in time and decide a different path. Would we still make the same decisions? If I could turn back time to that day nine years ago as I walked down the aisle on my fathers arm would I still stroll to the front of the church ready to pledge my life and love to you? Sure we were two young kids in love but really we had no idea what life would bring. Within the past nine years we have dealt with loss of job, foreclosure, and miscarriages. We have faced personal and professional disappointments, changed plans, and lost dreams. Not to mention this past year a very premature birth, extended NICU stay, diagnosis of Down syndrome, and heart surgery. Over the past nine years at times I'm sure one or both of us has wanted out. With all of that people would might wonder why in the world if given th...