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Showing posts from April, 2018

I Know You Are There

While K2 teaches me many life lessons that I never would have experienced without his premature birth and several medical diagnoses, it is K1 that really adds to those lessons. Kaden has such a way with words. My five year old who is really like a little old man, has a way of putting into words the way I feel. I see him so clearly articulate his musings and lessons about his life and his world. It strikes me that often, it is pretty spot on for my life. It goes to show that even though I’m a mom and a working professional, that I am in many ways a kid with so much to learn and stumbling along life trying to learn these lessons. (Sometimes it makes me think of the meme that says, "Sometimes I look around for an adult adulting harder than me"). It makes me think of something he said the other day. Kaden, like me, has a very active imagination. So like many children, darkness and night can scare him. He was still talking to me as I walked to the door of his room after I tucked h...