I’ve unpacked
most of our luggage from vacation. Laundry and dishwasher are both running. I’m
now sitting here in the recliner researching and reading, trying to expand my
knowledge on Kaleb’s latest diagnosis. I am reading about cerebral palsy, or
more specifically, spastic diplegia CP. The movie Avatar is playing in the
background. Why do I mention the movie playing when I have much more on my mind
today after Kaleb getting yet another diagnosis added to his seemingly ever
growing file? It’s because the choice in movie.
After a few
minutes I am reminded as my heart aches from processing this new piece of
information that this movie ironically was on the tv on another hard day in my
life. That realization, the recall of that memory, and life following suddenly
makes it easier to process this new added section to Kaleb’s file. That day was
the day after Kaleb’s diagnosis of Down syndrome. It was also our last night in
the hospital. I was going to be discharged the following day. TJ and I had come
back from the NICU to our postpartum room. He was out of the room getting
dinner. I had turned on the tv and found the movie Avatar. But I realized I
couldn’t focus on anything on it. I remember wondering if I would always feel
this way. I was hurting and aching but I was in this bubble. It was an intense
feeling. I felt everything inside, and everything ached and hurt, but I couldn’t
seem able to feel anything outside of my own personal bubble. I’ve spoken
before about wondering about life in the future. Would I, or could I truly feel
happy about this new life I was handed. I remember thinking this is not the
life I was expecting. I never thought I’d be a parent of a preemie, a parent of
a child with Down syndrome. I worried about our future. This was what was going
through my mind as Avatar played in the background.

Even though I
knew that it was a pretty good probability, it was tough. Not many with Down
syndrome also have a dual diagnosis of CP. Those with Down syndrome often have
varying levels of low tone. While many with Cerebral Palsy, especially spastic
CP, have varying levels stiffness or high tone. With Kaleb these fight and work
against each other. It brought back a lot of old feelings. I remember feeling
very alone that not many deal with both a micro preemie and a diagnosis of Down
syndrome. Even though I see the difference between many of the children with
Down syndrome and Kaleb when it comes to crawling, standing, and walking, I
didn’t feel the distinction and feelings of loneliness until the official diagnosis.
Now we are again pretty unique in dealing with both CP and Down syndrome. So
these were the feelings I was feeling when I realized the movie playing in the
background. So while the movie Avatar might not hold that much significance for
many, it does for me. Because it took me back to another tough diagnosis. While
I am not dealing with the same feelings I felt with Kaleb’s very early arrival
and diagnoses, the memory reminded me not only of my initial feelings but that
life does go on.
Yes, this is
another thing that I never dreamed I would do, be a parent of a child with CP.
What can I say, Kaleb continues to take us on many adventures. While it is
never fun to receive a new diagnosis, in the same breath it can be good. It can
be good to get answers. As I said, I have watched over the last year how Kaleb
seems to struggle with gross motor skills more than most of his peers with Down
syndrome. It helps support the reasoning for why he learns new skills in the
bath and why he loves baths where he kicks up a storm. The water helps ease the
issues with the stiffness and low tone and move a little easier. This information
now allows us to work with Kaleb on skills while better understanding all of
the issues and obstacles he’s facing. It allows us to better help him and help
him reach his potential.
I’m not
saying that I am fully at peace with it. Ask any parent of a child with special
needs and they will tell you it comes in waves or cycles. This new diagnosis is
no different. So just like Jake Sully in the movie Avatar, who learns to adapt
to his avatar and then grows to love the planet of Pandora, I know that our
family will adapt as we travel down these many adventures.
God picked the perfect mom for Laleb, you've got this!